I make this creamy These starches aid in thickening the soup and also giving it a creamy consistency.
In my cream of mushroom recipe, you can easily substitute any of these gluten free flours that I have mentioned above.
Homemade Cream of Mushroom Soup is full flavoured and so easy to make, you won't buy soup in a can again!
Bahan Membuat Creamy Mushroom Cream Soup
- Beberapa lembar jamur kuping (iris kecil-kecil).
- 1 buah wortel (potong dadu).
- 1/2 siung bawang bombay (cincang halus).
- 2 siung bawang merah (cincang halus).
- 1 helai daun bawang (iris-iris).
- Secukupnya mentega Blue Band.
- 1 kotak sedang susu UHT Full Cream (saya pakai Ultramilk).
- 2 sdm tepung terigu.
- Secukupnya garam.
- Secukupnya air.
- Secukupnya merica.
- Secukupnya Sasa/Ajinomoto.
- Secukupnya air.
- 1 batang sosis rasa ayam.
Langkah Memasak Creamy Mushroom Cream Soup
- Lelehkan mentega, masukkan bawang bombay dan bawang merah cincang, tumis..
- Masukkan tepung terigu aduk-aduk hingga bau khas tepungnya hilang..
- Tuangkan susu UHT full cream..
- Masukkan bahan-bahan satu persatu: daun bawang, wortel, sosis, dan jamur kuping. Aduk-aduk hingga tercampur merata..
- Tambahkan merica, garam, dan Sasa..
- Tambahkan air secukupnya (supaya nggak terlalu kental. Bisa diganti dengan air kaldu ayam)..
- Tes rasa. Jika sudah pas, sajikan. Bisa ditambah dgn topping keju parut juga.
Every cook needs a good easy creamy mushroom sauce recipe. It's perfect stirred through pasta and fantastic How do you make the best creamy mushroom sauce? Melt butter and olive oil together in a large frying pan How do I make mushroom soup base for pasta besides what u said in ur recipe. It is so simple to make and everything is in a light cream broth so you still get some creaminess without the heaviness of many cream soups. healthyish. Who doesn't love a delicious bowl of creamy mushroom soup?
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