Nothing excites us more than crafting a delicious non-dairy avocado ice cream that not only makes your mouth water.
This is a heavenly, fusion ice cream.
The avocado lends a lovely, appetizing color, and it has the nice aroma of coconut.
Bahan Membuat 🥑Avocado Ice Cream🥑
- 2 buah alpukat.
- 50 ml susu UHT Full cream untuk membuat jus.
- Secukupnya choco chip.
- 1 bungkus susu bubuk (sy : dancow).
- 50 ml kental manis putih (sy : frisian flag).
- 3 sdm gula pasir.
- 1 sdt SP.
- 100 ml es serut atau air es.
Langkah Memasak 🥑Avocado Ice Cream🥑
- Blender alpukat dengan susu UHT sampai halus menjadi jus.
- Dalam wadah, masukan susu bubuk, kental manis, gula pasir dan es batu. Mixer hingga larut. Kemudian masukan SP yang telah dilelehkan. Mixer hingga lembut dan mengembang.
- Masukan jus alpukat, lalu aduk perlahan hingga tercampur rata.
- Tuang kedalam wadah tertutup, beri taburan chico chip. Simpan dalam freezer minimal selama 4 jam.
- Dan siap dinikmati.
- .
This recipe includes instructions for both methods. The trick to using avocados for ice cream is to think of them as eggs. This avocado ice cream will have you begging for more. The creaminess of the avocados combined with raw honey will provide an incredibly sweet dessert. If the ice cream is not allowed to freeze completely, it can affect the quality of the taste and texture.
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