Tender and juicy Lemon Garlic Roast Chicken with crispy, rich and flavourful skin, so much flavour and easy to find ingredients!
We're eating the best lemon chicken this Monday because it's the ultimate Monday meal.
Reviews for: Photos of Roasted Lemon Herb Chicken.
Bahan Membuat Roasted lemon chicken
- 6 potong ayam (sy pakai paha semua).
- 2 sdt Thyme.
- 1 sdt oregano.
- 1 std jinten.
- 2 sdt garam.
- 1 sdt lada.
- 1 sdt penyedap rasa.
- secukupnya Minyak zaitun.
- 1 buah lemon. (Bisa di iris atau diambil airnya saja).
- 1 buah bawang bombay (iris).
Langkah Memasak Roasted lemon chicken
- Cuci bersih ayam, keringkan dengan tisu dapur.a.
- Sebarkan lemon dan daun bawang di loyang. Taruh ayam di atasnya. Ps : lemon sy pakai airnya saja, jd saya campur dengan kaldu ayam..
- Campurkan semua bumbu, oleskan pada ayam, hingga merata. Panggang dengan suhu 250° selama 25menit. Siram dengan wine/kaldu ayam. Panggang lagi 15menit..
- Angkat..
Skillet-Roasted Lemon Chicken from Barefoot Contessa. This dinner will be your new favorite! This lemon, garlic, rosemary chicken recipe also makes a mean chicken and rice soup if you have leftovers. The rosemary taste really good with the rice. I often serve the chicken with rice or roasted.
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