Honey Lemon Chicken Quick and easy recipe that anyone can make at home. Honey lemon chicken is one of my favorites. Lemon juice and zest, honey, and Dijon mustard add their flavors to a sweet and tangy marinade that will make basic grilled chicken breasts into a family-pleasing treat.

Bahan Membuat Honey Lemon Chicken

  1. 300 gr Dada Ayam fillet.
  2. Butter.
  3. 5 siung Bawang Putih (cincang).
  4. 150 ml Soy Milk.
  5. Secukupnya Kaldu Ayam.
  6. 1/2 buah Air Lemon.
  7. Dry Parsley.
  8. Secukupnya Madu.
  9. 1 sdm Maizena (optional).
  10. Spinach.
  11. Keju mozarella/ quick melt.
  12. Bahan Marinasi.
  13. Garam.
  14. Lada.

Langkah Memasak Honey Lemon Chicken

  1. Cuci bersih dada ayam. Kemudian bumbuin dengan garam dan lada. Diamkan sekitar 5 menit..
  2. Lelehkan butter, goreng dada ayam sampai berwarna agak kecoklatan. (Tiap sisinya sekitar 2-3 menit). Sisihkan..
  3. Lelehkan butter, tumis bawang putih sampai harum. Masukkan soy milk dan sedikit kaldu ayam (aku pakai chicken stock) aduk aduk. Lalu tambahkan perasan air lemon. Masukkan dada ayam yang sudah digoreng, taburi sedikit dry parsley. Tambahkan madu, aduk aduk koreksi rasa. Jika suka yg creamy, boleh tambahkan larutan maizena. Terakhir masukan spinach, aduk aduk, lalu tambahkan keju mozarella/ quick melt diatasnya. Angkat, sajikan :).

The glaze over the chicken was fantastic! So sticky and the honey lemon ginger all complemented each other perfectly. So full of flavor and SO delicious! Honey and lemon chicken, today's recipe on Consuming Passions, which is so easy it's perfect for beginners wearing their L plates. Although we've had what's been considered a pretty mild.

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