I'm always trying to come up with new ways to make boneless, skinless chicken breasts taste delicious.
Honey Lemon Chicken - Crispy, tender chicken with AMAZING honey lemon sauce.
Quick and easy recipe that anyone can make at home.
Bahan Membuat Honey lemon chicken sausage
- 5 buah sosis ayam.
- 1 sdm perasan air lemon.
- 4 sdm madu.
- 3 sdm air.
- sedikit garam.
Langkah Memasak Honey lemon chicken sausage
- Bila sosis ga mau terlalu lembek boleh d goreng sebentar bun sblum d kasih saos. Tp ini kmren saya langsung ya gak goreng dulu..
- Pertama panasin teflon lalu kasih sedikit margarin sbg pengganti minyak goreng. Masukkan air, perasan air lemon dan madu. Terakhir tambahin garam. Tes rasa..
- Selanjutnya masukkan sosis ke dlm n aduk rata. Balik2an sosis supaya tidak gosong ya. Panggang sampai kuah mengental ya. Siap itu sajikan deh. Gampang banget bukan? Selamat mencoba.
Chinese Lemon Chicken made with crispy fried chicken covered in an authentic, fresh lemon sauce. The best Chinese Lemon Chicken Recipe which is better than take-out. This skinny honey lemon chicken recipe is quick and easy to make, naturally gluten-free, and absolutely delicious! I'm calling it Skinny Honey Lemon Chicken. Made with a light and crispy coating.
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