Arrange cabbage, bean sprouts, beancurd, potatoes, beans, cucumber and eggs on large plate; Drizzle with peanut sauce. to make sauce, blend or process peanuts (or use a good, deli-type peanut butter) scallions.
It's typically made with vegetables, protein (such as egg An Indonesian-inspired bowl made with brown rice, vegetables, and spicy peanut sauce.
Incredibly customizable and perfect for a simple, basic yet.
Bahan Membuat 10. Gado - gado Surabaya / Vegetable Salad with Peanut Sauce
- 250 gr Taoge kukus/rebus.
- 200 gr Kubis iris - kukus/rebus.
- 2 buah/300gr Kentang kukus/rebus ukuran sedang, potong2.
- Telor rebus (1 butir potong jadi 4 bagian).
- Bumbu Kacang.
- 250 gr Kacang tanah - goreng.
- 1/2 batok kecil Gula Merah.
- 4 buah Cabe Merah besar.
- 3 siung Bawang Putih.
- 1 bks Santan Instan 65ml.
- Secukupnya Gula Pasir, Garam, Penyedap.
- 500 ml Air.
- Pelengkap.
- Timun, Tomat, Selada.
- Sambal.
- 10 Cabe Rawit rebus.
- 1 siung Bawang putih rebus.
Langkah Memasak 10. Gado - gado Surabaya / Vegetable Salad with Peanut Sauce
- Cuci bersih bawang putih, cabe merah besar, & rawit.
- Sebelum diblend, saya lbh suka bawang putih & cabe merahnya ditumis dulu, tapi kalo mau langsung diblend juga gpp.
- Campurkan kacang tanah yg sudah digoreng, bawang putih, & cabe merah yg sudah ditumis tadi, tambahkan 500-750ml air matang.
- Blend sampai halus, tuang ke panci kemudian rebus. Jika kurang encer bisa ditambahkan air, lalu tambahkan santan instan + garam + gula pasir + penyedap. Setelah blebegblebeg, matikan api, sajikan dimangkok saji dengan menambahkan kecap.
- Sajikan di piring saji.
- Untuk sambal : blend rawit & bawang putih yg sudah direbus + air rebusannya + garam atau cukup diulek saja dan tambahkan air panas. Selamat Menikmati 👩🍳.
Put in pan with all other ingredients except fired shallots and lime juice. Arrange all vegetables on a dish and pour over the sauce. Garnish with beancurd and eggs, sprinkle with shallots and serve with deep-fried krupuk. At its base, gado gado is a mixed salad of cooked and raw vegetables, topped or tossed with a peanut sauce. Remove the sprouts from the water with a slotted spoon and plunge them into the cold water.
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