This chicken egg rolls recipe always makes everyone happy and they're perfect for sharing.
Because seriously, who doesn't love a crispy, hot, savory egg roll or crispy spring roll?.
Roll Wrappers Chicken Recipes on Yummly
Bahan Membuat Chicken Egg Roll
- 1/4 Daging ayam bagian dada.
- Telur.
- Tepung terigu (aku pke tepung serbaguna buat goreng Kentucky).
- Penyedap rasa.
- Kaldu bubuk.
- Bawang putih bubuk.
- Lada.
Langkah Memasak Chicken Egg Roll
- Haluskan ayam, campur dengan 3sdm tepung terigu, beri penyedap rasa, garam, kaldu bubuk.
- Buat adonan untuk kulit, kocok 1 telor ayam, tepung terigu, air, beri garam dan kaldu bubuk..
- Masukkan adonan kulit ke dalam teflon yg sudah dioles minyak. Masak seperti kulit lumpia.
- Setelah kulit sudah jadi, masukan adonan ayam yg sudah siap dimasukin ke kulit.
- Gulung memanjang, kemudian di kukus selama 20 menit..
- Setelah dikukus, diiris kemudian digoreng sampai kecoklatan. Siap disajikan.
The buffalo wings and egg roll combination make it a new favorite appetizer. Chicken egg rolls, kale egg rolls, avocado egg rolls, chocolate egg rolls, you name the egg roll and I will dip and devour it. A hot, crispy wrapper stuffed with a flavor-packed filling. A wide variety of chicken egg roll options are available to you, such as key selling points, applicable industries, and certification. Chicken Egg Rolls - a great and simple recipe for delicious chicken egg rolls.
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