Tamagoyaki is a delicious Japanese Omelette that's a staple of a traditional Japanese breakfast.
An avid fan of Konpaku Youmu and Saigyouji Yuyuko.
Contact Taiwan Other Grain supplier-SUREWIN FOOD TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. for on Taiwantrade.
Bahan Membuat Tamagoyaki nori
- 3 butir telur.
- Sejumput garam.
- 2 lembar nori.
- Minyak untuk menggoreng.
Langkah Memasak Tamagoyaki nori
- Kocok lepas telur, beri sejumput garam.
- Goreng sedikit demi sedikit di pan dengan api sedang.
- Beri lembaran nori lalu gulung.
- Ulangi sampai telur habis.
Want to add a little extra crunch to your tamagoyaki? Let's add some nori (dried seaweed sheets)! Make your own Japanese rolled omelettes using our Tamagoyaki Cooking Essentials. I just enjoy making tamagoyaki and onigiri. fast, delicious and nutritious. This time i added seaweed before folding my tamagoyaki, hence 'nori tamagoyaki'~.
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