My Perfect Fudgy Brownies recipe is the best brownie recipe you will ever need.
Today we're going to be talking ALL about.
These brownies combine the best of both worlds: the fudge brownie's ultra-moist texture, and the nice rise of a cake brownie.
Bahan Membuat FUDGY BROWNIES (Otang)
- 150 gr dcc (me diamond).
- 100 Mentega (me palmia).
- 2 butir telur.
- 150 gr gula halus.
- 90 gr tepung terigu (me 🔼).
- 50 gr coklat bubuk (me vanhouten).
- 🌸Toping :.
- Keju parut (bebas).
- Kertas roti.
Langkah Memasak FUDGY BROWNIES (Otang)
- Siapkan loyang yg sudah dialasi kertas roti (lihat digambar), kemudian tim dcc dan mentega sisihkan biarkan suhu ruang.
- Kocok telur dan gula sampai gula larut, kemudian tuang dcc tim, aduk rata.
- Masukkan tepung dan coklat bubuk yg sudah di ayak aduk rata, nanti adonan akan kental dan berat ya moom tuang ke dalam loyang dan beri toping.
- Panaskan oven terlebih dahulu, setelah panas lalu panggang kurleb 25-30 menit / bisa disesuiakan (karna setiap oven beda2 ya).
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Super fudgy and dense cocoa brownies are gooey on the inside, have a crinkly top, and are made I've got a super-easy yet DELICIOUS fudgy brownie recipe for you today. Fudgy, chewy vegan brownies made with simple ingredients. Adding instant coffee to the batter intensifies these brownies' chocolate flavor. From Fry's Cocoa Powder comes one of the best brownie recipes I've ever had. They are so soft and chewy it's hard to stop at just one!
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