Why make Thai iced tea from a mix when the real thing is so much more delicious?
Learn to make Thai iced tea from scratch with this authentic recipe.
While many Thai iced tea mixes often contain a low-grade powder or syrup, this authentic recipe gets its flavor from good-quality black tea and spices.
Bahan Membuat Thai tea ala dumdum
- 1,5 liter air.
- 6 sdm thai tea logo jempol cap chatrume.
- 6 sdm gula pasir.
- 160 ml SKM.
- 2 sdm bubuk fiber creme (dancow).
Langkah Memasak Thai tea ala dumdum
- Masak air sampai mendidih kemudian masukan bubuk thai tea. Diamkan sekitar +- 10 menit lalu saring..
- Tuang kedalam panci. Tambahkan susu skm, gula pasir dan fiber creme / dancow..
- Aduk hingga rata. Setelah rata masukan ke dalam botol2..
- Simpan di dalam kulkas/ freezer..
Authentic Thai Tea • serving it the way it should be 📮 dumdumthaidrinks@gmail.com Thailand • Indonesia • Malaysia • Singapore bit.ly/bottleddumdum. How it's really made in Thailand. However, unlike in the US or Europe, Thai people like their iced tea on the go and take it with them in a small plastic bag with a straw sticking out. While regular iced tea can be somewhat mild, and served with the option of sweetened or unsweetened, Thai iced tea is more concentrated and flavorful. This special drink is infused with star anise and cloves, which add a warm, spiced aroma.
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