Caramel custard puding A smooth creamy custard pairs with a slightly bitter caramel sauce. Even if you don't like caramel, you will fall in love with this pudding. This easy-to-make pudding is popular all over India but made especially well by the Parsis, Mangaloreans (both from Western Click Play to See This Caramel Custard Recipe Come Together.

Bahan Membuat Caramel custard puding

  1. Caramel.
  2. 3 sdm Gula.
  3. 1 sdm Air.
  4. Puding custard.
  5. 200 ml Susu full cream.
  6. 1 gelas Air.
  7. 3 sdm Kental manis putih.
  8. Vanilla essencen.
  9. 2 butir telur.

Langkah Memasak Caramel custard puding

  1. Siapkan bahan nya, masukkan gula dalam teflon dan air satu sendok biar kan meletut sampai berubah kecoklatan.
  2. Tuangkan kedalam gelas/ mangkuk, kocok lepas telur dan masukkan susu aduk rata tambahkan kental manis kemudian aduk kembali tambahkan air.
  3. Tuangkan vanilla essencen 1 sendok aduk kembali, masak dengan api kecil sampai mendidih matikan kompor masukkan adonan ke dalam gelas atau mangkuk, tunggu dingin masukkan kedalam kulkas selama 3 menit.
  4. Ambil dari kulkas tunggu satu menit kemudian tuang kedalam piring.

Shake cup gently to loosen custard. Caramel syrup will run down sides of custard, forming a sauce. Custards are pretty easy to make, but they need a little tender loving care when they bake. Caramel Custard Recipe, Cheeni Shakkar Meetha , How To Make Caramel Custard Recipe. This easy-to-make pudding is popular all over India but made especially well by the Parsis, Mangaloreans.

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