As you can see from this.
Caramel pudding recipe; a delicious traditional dessert with creamy caramel over silky custard.
All through my childhood, amma makes caramel pudding as a Sunday special.achachen (my dad).
Bahan Membuat Pudding Caramel
- Bahan caramel :.
- 100 gr gula pasir.
- 65 ml air hangat.
- Bahan Pudding :.
- 200 gr gula pasir.
- 1 sachet agar swallow plain.
- 1 L UHT full cream.
- 3 sdm maizena.
- 1/4 sdt garam.
Langkah Memasak Pudding Caramel
- Masak gula pasir diatas teflon dgn api kecil, diaduk trus hingga cair.
- Setelah gula cair (hingga tidak ada terlihat butiran gula) masukkan air hangat, aduk hingga merata.
- Masukkan caramel kedalam cup (kalo saya 1 cup 1 sendok makan).
- Bahan pudding jdkan 1 trus diaduk dgn api sedang sp mendidih.tunggu bbrp menit baru dituang kedalam cup. Done. Slamat menikmati..
Simmer over moderately low heat until the mixture thickens. Very quick and easy to make. I am trying to reproduce California Pizza Kitchen's Salted Caramel Pudding for my daughter. Caramel Pudding / Flan Recipe - Ingredients. The caramel taste hides the eggy. the recipe for caramel custard or caramel pudding recipe is extremely simple and is made with very basic ingredients. basically, the sugar is caramelized to thick and used as a base and added first to.
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