The perfect soft and chewy sugar cookies: just the right amount of softness with a tiny bit chewiness and a buttery.
Caramel Pudding (Caramel Custard Pudding) / Flan Recipe.
Caramel pudding recipe; a delicious traditional dessert with creamy caramel over silky All through my childhood, amma makes caramel pudding as a Sunday special.
Bahan Membuat Puding caramel soft
- 3 sdm gula pasir.
- 2 sdm air panas.
- 3 sdm whippy cream bubuk.
- 200 cc susu cair.
- 2 sdm susu kental manis.
- 2 butir telur.
- 1 sdt vanila bubuk.
Langkah Memasak Puding caramel soft
- Cairkan gula diatas teflon hingga menjadi caramel,tambahkan air lalu letakan diatas aluminium foil/wadah yg sudah disediakan.
- Kocok telur dan vanila,lalu tambahkan whippy cream,susu kental manis,susu cair,aduk hingga menyatu.
- Saring 3-4 kali bahan puding cair tadi lalu masukan ke wadah yg sudah diberi caramel.
- Masukan ke dalam oven 45 menit suhu 150c ato sampai permukaan mengeras seperti agar2,lalu masukan kulkas hingga dingin siap dinikmatiš„°.
- (bisa juga dikukus tp alas wadah dikasih serbet dan wadah ditutup foil ya mom supaya permukaan tdk berpori).
The soft, giggly texture, that just melts in. Caramel pudding was always a favorite in the family when I was growing up, now I enjoy making it for my family. My grandmother often cooked "from scratch", and she still does. Quick and easy homemade salted caramel pudding recipe with whipped cream on top. When I asked Lucas for input on his favorite soft foods, mashed potatoes was his only.
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