The caramel taste hides the eggy flavour giving it a nice outer coating.
The pudding that went inside the oven had a golden top while the outer ones had the normal cream top.
But the taste of the pudding doesnt get affected at all.
Bahan Membuat Caramel Pudding lapis coffee
- 50 gr gula pasir.
- 2 sdm air (aku skip).
- Bahan pudding.
- 200 ml.susu cair full cream.
- 70 gr gula pasir (me 50 gr).
- 3 butir telor.
- 1 sdt vanili.
- 1 sdm maezena (krn nggak punya tepung custard).
- 2 sdt nesface dicairkan.
Langkah Memasak Caramel Pudding lapis coffee
- Siapkan bahan bahanya.
- Lalu buat caramel.lebih dahulu dan langsung dimasukan ke cetakan diamkan sebentar sampe mengkristal di cetakan.
- Panaskan panci terlebih dahulu sambil kita buat puddingnya, campur telor, susu, gula dan maezena, aduk sampe gulanyanya mencair.
- Setelah itu bagi dua, yang satu tambahkan nescafe, lalu kukus selapis demi selapis kira2 tiap lapis 5 menit saja sampai habis.
- .lalu setelah matang keluarkan dari panci dan diamkan sampai dingin dan masukan ke dalam lemari es...
Unlike many caramel recipes, this caramel pudding is actually not too sweet. It's more creamy and luscious than it is sweet. Fool proof, no fancy This pudding sounds so good, I bet that it would be perfect with a hot cup of freshly brewed coffee! It sounds simple to make, any suggestions on what I. Purin (Caramel Custard Pudding) is a popular Japanese dessert. "Purin" means "pudding" in Japanese.
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