Grilled lamb kofta made with onion and spices and then shaped and skewered onto kebabs.
A grain-free and paleo entree for spring grilling season.
Kofta kebab is one of the most popular dishes in Greece, served in every tavern and for good reason.
Bahan Membuat Kofta kebab
- 1/2 daging sapi giling(sy di cincang halus).
- 2 bawang bombay kecil cincang halus.
- 1 cm jahe haluskan.
- 2 bh bawang putih haluskan.
- Pakistani bumbu (kayu manis,ketumbar,cengkeh,lada yg bubuk).
- 2 sdm tepung terigu.
- I buah telor.
- Garam sckpnya.
Langkah Memasak Kofta kebab
- Campur semua bahan ya aduk rata beri telor,terigu&garam aduk 2 lg.
- Diamkan di kulkas +-1 jam.
- Panaskan minyak llu bentuk adonan td terserah mo bulat panjang atau gmn mnrt selera bunda ya dan goreng deh smp warna kecokelatan atau matang benar ya.
- Siap di santap bersama nasi.
Kofta is a very popular recipe throughout the region. Every Middle Eastern and his/her mother has their own recipe. Delicious, healthy and quick to make - you really must have these easy posh lamb kofta kebabs at any barbecue! Brush the kofta generously with oil and lightly oil the bars of the barbecue or griddle. How do you make kofta kebabs?
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