A hearty and easy to make soup that the whole family will love!
Once you add on all those tasty toppings it's like a loaded baked potato in soup form.
Then set back pressure cooker to the saute setting once more and next stir in a milk and cornstarch mixture along with some cream cheese (yum!).
Bahan Membuat Mpasi 1y+ potato cream soup and cheese stick pastry
- 1 kentang.
- 1 btr kuning telor yampung.
- 125 ml susu uht.
- Sckupnya keju parut.
- 1/2 sdm bwg bombay.
- 1 sdm minyak canola.
- Sckupnya garam.
- Sckupnya lada (sy skip).
- 1 sdm tepung terigu larutkan dgn 2 sdm air.
- Sdkit parsley.
Langkah Memasak Mpasi 1y+ potato cream soup and cheese stick pastry
- Potong dadu kentang lalu rebus smp matang dan biarkan dingin.
- Lalu blender 1/2 susu uht kentang keju dan kuning telor smp halus..
- Pnskan minyak lalu tumis bwg bombay smp harum lalu masukan bahan yg sdh di blender berikut sisa susu dan tepung terigu.
- Masak dgn api kcl smp mengental. Lalu beri taburan parsley Dan siap disajikan hangat bersama cheese stick pastry..
This easy Potato Soup recipe is quick and easy to make on the stovetop, it's nice and creamy (without using heavy cream), and always so cozy and delicious! Then stir in the cheese, Greek yogurt (or sour cream), and crispy bacon bits. Taste and season the soup with salt and pepper. A creamy, cheesy potato soup that gets a shortcut with cream soups. Cream of mushroom, cream of chicken, cream of celery, cheddar cheese, tomato, these are sometimes, but rarely used as out of the can reconstituted soups, but rather they are more often used in cooking as an ingredient to.
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