Brush pastry with beaten egg, being careful not to get any on the top of the mould.
Whip cream and custard together until thick.
Fill horns with custard cream and serve.
Bahan Membuat Horn pastry cream custard
- 1 lembar instant puff pastry.
- Horn moulds (cetakannya).
- 1 butir kutel untuk olesan puff pastry.
- Taburan: gula pasir halus.
- Bahan custard:.
- 2 butir telur.
- 1 sdm maizena.
- 200 ml susu cair.
- 50 gram gulpas.
- 50 ml whipped cream.
- 1.5 sdt vanilli ekstrak.
- Secubit garam.
Langkah Memasak Horn pastry cream custard
- Siapkan pastry sheet nya, potong2 panjang.
- Buat melingkar di horn moulding, oleskan kutel, taburin gulpas diatasnya.
- Pre heat oven 10 menit sebelomnya. Oven 15-18 menit 180 dercel (cek oven masing2), setelah matang dan tidak panas keluarkan dari cetakannya pelan2, dgn menekan sedikit cetakannya ke dalam dgn tangan agar mudah lepas..
- Bahan custard: campur semua bahan aduk setelah itu masak di api kecil sambil diaduk terus, sampai meletup agak mengental matikan api.
- Tuang vanilla extract nya aduk2 rata. Dinginkan.
- Masukkan custardnya ke dalam piping bag, spuit ke pastry horn, sajikan dgn secangkir teh🍵/kopi☕ ahh yummm😘❤️.
Pipe chocolate custard into the pastry horns. Then dip one end into the melted chocolate and let it harden on parchment paper before serving. Puff Pastry Horns (aka Italian Cream Horns) are scrumptious puff pastries wrapped around a metal horn and baked till golden and flaky. These little five ingredient wonders can be filled with whipped cream, custard or buttercream icing. A cream horn is a pastry made with flaky or puff pastry, and whipped cream. (An alternative version, the meringue horn, is made with meringue.) Pastry cream, often called Creme Patissiere, is a rich and creamy custard for filling eclairs and cream puffs.
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