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Using a wooden spoon fold in the flour, salt and cheese.
Spoon into well greased muffin trays and bake How to make perfect homemade custard, every time.
Bahan Membuat 584. Cheese Custard Muffin
- 50 gr maizena.
- 100 gr gula pasir halus (saya pakai gula pasir biasa).
- 200 ml UHT full cream.
- 75 gr butter.
- 160 gr keju cheddar parut.
- 75 ml minyak sayur.
- 1/2 sdt vanili bubuk.
- 2 butir telur.
- 80 gr gula pasir.
- 150 gr tepung terigu.
- 1,5 sdt baking powder.
- Topping :.
- Cheddar parut/dadu.
Langkah Memasak 584. Cheese Custard Muffin
- Aduk maizena, susu cair dan 100gr gula sambil terus diaduk pakai whisk sampai meletup rata licin diatas api kecil..
- Matikan api, masukkan keju parut dan butter. Aduk sampai lumer dan rata..
- Masukkan minyak dan 1 butir telur, aduk rata. Lalu tambah 1 butir telur dan 80gr gula, aduk rata..
- Terakhir masuk terigu, vanili baking powder yang sudah diayak. Aduk rata, jangan overmix..
- Tuang di cup, 3/4 bagian saja. Beri topping diatasnya. Panggang 30-35 menit dengan suhu 180'C. Sajikan 😊.
These cheesy muffins make a great after school snack and they couldn't be easier to make. Just add cheese and ham to a basic muffin mix for a delicious savoury snack. These muffins deliver the flavor of sweet and lemony cheesecake in a quick and easy breakfast sweet. Notes: To spoon the cheese filling into batter, follow these steps: Fill a tablespoon with cheese filling. Dip the tablespoon into the batter and, using another spoon, scrape the filling as deep.
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