Urap is an Indonesian salad dish of steamed vegetables mixed with seasoned and dressed by coconut.
Urap can be eaten as a salad for vegetarian or as a side dish.
Urap is usually found as a prerequisite side dish of Javanese tumpeng, a cone shaped rice mound surrounded with assorted dishes.
Bahan Membuat Urap-urap
- 2 ikat kenikir.
- 1 buah timun.
- 1/4 buah kol.
- 1/2 buah kelapa muda (parut).
- Bumbu halus.
- 6 buah bawang putih.
- 2 buah Lombok besar (buang bijinya).
- 5 buah cabe rawit.
- 2 lembar daun jeruk.
- 1 ruas kencur.
- secukupnya Gula dan garam.
Langkah Memasak Urap-urap
- Siapkan bahan, haluskan semua bahan bumbu halus.
- Setelah bumbu halus, campur dengan kelapa parut sampai rata kemudian kukus ± 20 menit/ smp matang.
- Potong² sayuran kemudian rebus, kecuali timun, setelah semua matang campur semua sayuran dan bumbu kelapa,.
Urap-urap is a traditional salad made with steamed vegetables and grated coconut seasoning that gives it a distinctive flavour. Urap-urap Sayur is a traditional meal, I don't know where it originally comes from, probably from Central of Java. Therefore, this meal is also popular in other regions, such as in East Java and Bali. In Bali it is known as Lawar. It contains of different kind cooked vegetables like bean sprouts, long bean, cabbage, cassava leaf, basil, etc.
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