Check it out!👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Resep Dragon roll sushi.
Ceritanya suami mau kasih surprize ulang tahun buat gw.
Istri solehah liatin aja sambil foto fotoin & cemilin 😂😂 InsyaAllah semua bahan yang dipake halal.
Bahan Membuat Ebi sushi roll (4 bahan)
- Udang goreng.
- Nasi panas.
- Nori mamasuka (beli di indomaret).
- Mayonaise.
- Plastik bening dipotong jadi lebar pengganti tikar.
Langkah Memasak Ebi sushi roll (4 bahan)
- Siapkan plastik bening/plastik es.
- Taro satu nori, masukan nasi secukupnya, jgn bnyak² tkt robek nori nya, taruh potongan udang goreng, gulung perlahan agar tdk robek.
- Lumuri mayonaise di atas sushi.
Maki-zushi (巻き寿司, rolled sushi) consists of rice and other ingredients rolled together. See up-to-date pricelists and view recent announcements for this location.. The fish is always fresh and the prices are a little cheaper than the other sushi restaurants in the area. Green Roll. one piece tuna and salmon aburi sushi, one piece of ebi nigiri, one piece of seared red tuna, salmon and tuna sashimi w/salmon avocado roll, five pcs of tempura, seaweed salad and agedashi tofu . Definitely not the best sushi I've ever had but it's decent for the price.
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