Golden crispy tempura shrimp wrapped in a rice coated nori with avocado, top with some crumbs, mayo and unagi sauce and the shrimp Introducing the Shrimp Tempura roll, one of the ever popular cooked maki rolls for sushi lovers.
This roll is very easy to make and taste just as delicious too.
Start with this delicious spicy salmon sushi roll recipe with avocado, cucumber and tobiko!
Bahan Membuat Sushi roll dori crispy #bentosekolah
- Nasi putih hangat.
- Nori khusus sushi.
- Wortel iris panjang (direbus dulu).
- Timun iris panjang.
- Mayonaise.
- secukupnya Garam & gula.
- Bahan untuk dori crispy.
- fillet Ikan dori.
- Tepung panir.
- 1 buah telur ayam.
- secukupnya Garam.
- Jeruk nipis.
Langkah Memasak Sushi roll dori crispy #bentosekolah
- Membuat dori crispy: potong ikan memanjang taburi sejumput garam & jeruk nipis. Siapkan tepung panir dan telur kocok. Masukan ikan ke dalam telur dan selanjutnya ke dalam tepung panir. Lalu goreng sampai kecoklatan..
- Membuat sushi: siapkan nori diatas bambu khusus untuk menggulung sushi. Dalam mangkuk campurkan nasi dengan sedikit garam dan gula putih, aduk sampai rata..
- Tata nasi diatas nori sampai nori tertutup nasi. Kemudian tata wortel, timun, dori crispy dan mayonaise..
- Kemudian gulung perlahan. Potong sushi sesuai selera..
This spicy sushi roll, made with imitation crab, gets it's heat from togarashi, chili powder, and wasabi for a quick and easy Japanese-inspired dinner. The following is a basic spicy sushi roll, readily suitable for either crab or tuna. Different people will be suited to different degrees of spiciness for the. Here is our growing list of sushi roll recipes. Learn how to make your favorite recipes in no time.
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