With wet fingers, firmly pat a thick, even layer of prepared rice over the nori, covering it completely.
Sushi rolls are all I ever want in a sushi restaurant, not that I ever go to sushi restaurants, but still.
During the course of our sushi unit here on PW Cooks, we're going to learn to make several different sushi rolls, each increasing in both complexity and decadence.
Bahan Membuat Sushi Roll (Tanpa Minyak)
- 1 piring nasi.
- 2 butir telor.
- 2 helai Nori.
- 2 biji sosis.
- 2 biji crabstik.
- 1 buah timun jepang (timun kecil).
- 2 sdt boncabe.
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- secukupnya Air.
Langkah Memasak Sushi Roll (Tanpa Minyak)
- Crabstik di rebus, sosis di bakar, telur di dadar tanpa minyak di teflon anti lengket (bon cabe+garam di tambahkan di telur).
- Siapkan nori, beri nasi di atasnya tekan2. Biar sendok tdk lengket "cemplungin sendok di air".
- Beri irisan timun, crabstik/sosis, dan telur dadar..
- Gulung pelan2, perlahan dan di tekan..
- Iris2, lalu sajikan bersama saos bangkok (sy pakai indofood) dan teh hijau (sy pake sariwangi).
We recommend having a bowl of water nearby when rolling the sushi, for keeping the rice from sticking. Hand roll sushi is a very popular sushi dish in Japanese home cooking. You need Sushi Rice and sheets of roasted seaweed (sushi nori), but the rest of the ingredients can be just about anything imaginable. Tuna salad and cucumber were used as fillings for this recipe here, but we also suggest. A sushi roll involves looking at the most recent five increments of time, and comparing them to the previous five-increment period.
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