Due to the simplicity of ingredients and cooking technique, traditional edo-style sushi rolls, or hosomaki, consist of one main ingredient and are usually wrapped with nori on the outside.
Today I'm sharing one with the easiest filling ever - Tuna Sushi Roll.
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Bahan Membuat Tuna sushi roll
- 1 cup Nasi pulen.
- 1/2 Kaleng Tuna.
- 1 bawang merah.
- 1 bawang putih.
- 2 lembar Daun selada.
- 1 telur.
- 1 sdm minyak wijen.
- 1/3 sdt garam.
- 1 sdm wijen.
Langkah Memasak Tuna sushi roll
- Iris tipis bawang, tumis dengan minyak stengah sendok makan aja, masukkan tuna, tambah garam dkit. Angkat, sisihkan.
- Telur kocok lepas dengan sejumput garam. Kemudian dadar tipis sambil digulung. Sisihkan..
- Nasi + minyak wijen + wijen + garam 1/4 sdt... aduk rata..
- Tata nori (yg kasar bagian atas untuk nasi). Tata nasi, selada, telur dadar, dan tuna nya... kemudian gulung sambil dipadatkan..
- Potong-potong setelah dibiarkan 5 menit setelah digulung biar g gampang terhambur. Sajikan (me: kecap asin dan wasabi).
Lightly toss to coat and set aside. Make Good Sushi Rice Spicy tuna is a common name for different rolls of sushi with two things in common: the use of tuna, and a spicy sauce. The tuna this roll is diced into small pieces, so the size of the initial block doesn't matter. So it's a great solution for odd shape blocks of tuna you might end up having that won't fit any other roll. One disclaimer is that it is designed for a mellow spicy-mayo level.
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