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Bahan Membuat Sushi Roll Nusantara
- 2 centong nasi putih.
- secukupnya Olive oil.
- secukupnya Garam.
- Sebungkus indomie goreng.
- Nori/seaweed/gim.
Langkah Memasak Sushi Roll Nusantara
- Masak indomie goreng seperti biasa..
- Taruh nasi dalam mangkok kemudian campur dengan olive oil dan sedikit garam, uleni sampe tercampur merata..
- Ambil selembar gim/nori/seaweed/rumput laut, kemudian letakkan nasi diatasnya secara melebar memenuhi lembaran rumput laut, kemudian tambahkan indomie goreng diatasnya. Setelah itu gulung sambil di tekan2 agar padat..
- Setelah selesai digulung, olesi gulungan sushi dgn olive oil dan potong2. Siap di makan..
Run the knife through a damp dishtowel. Tuna salad sushi rolls are long sushi rolls filled with tuna salad and wrapped in rice and seaweed. This style of sushi roll is known as makizushi or maki sushi, which means rolled sushi in Japanese. You will enjoy our sushi - both traditional and twisted! Temaki Sushi is sometimes called a "hand roll" because it is made of a rolled cone of seaweed, wrapped around rice and fillings.
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