With just a little practice, you can make sushi rolls at home that are as dazzling to look at as they are delicious to eat.
Guys, have you ever tried making homemade sushi rolls? ♡.
It's actually much easier than you might think.
Bahan Membuat Homemade Simple Sushi Roll #rabubaru
- 1 genggam Beras Ketan Putih.
- 3 genggam Beras pulen.
- 1 Sdm air. Aduk bersama dengan sejumput Gula dan Garam.
- 1 lembar nori.
- Bahan isian.
- 1 buah Wortel yg sudah direbus.
- 2 lembar daun Selada (optional. karena saya hanya punya ini).
- 3 buah chicken nugget stick, goreng.
- 1 buah sosis sapi, belah 2, goreng.
- 2 potong mentimun.
- 1 buah telur dadar.
- bahan saus :.
- Shoyu (beli yg sdh jadi di supermarket).
Langkah Memasak Homemade Simple Sushi Roll #rabubaru
- Campur beras pulen dengan beras ketan dan masak dengan air sebanyak 1 ruas jari kurang. Kurangnya dikit aja..
- Setelah nasi matang, taruh ke dalam mangkok dan tuang air gula garam. Aduk nasi perlahan sambil di kipasi hingga nasi dingin..
- Letakkan nori diatas tikar sushi (kalo ga punya, bisa pake plastik yang udah dialasin pake serbet).
- Tata nasi diatas nori hingga rata. (Sebisa mungkin nasinya jangan panas. Nanti nori nya kisut).
- Setelah rata, susun telur, wortel, selada, nugget, sosis, timun diatas nori. Gulung perlahan..
- Potong sushi menggunakan pisau yang telah dibasahi air. Supaya nasi tidak menempel pada pisau, dan merusak bentuk sushi.
Hubby and I then devoured a few for. Last week we made pickled ginger, and this week it's time to learn how to make homemade sushi rolls, from the comfort of your own home! Learn how to make sushi rolls with this easy homemade sushi recipe. Choose whichever fillings you love best, no extra equipment required. · Homemade sushi rice recipe, simple instructions on how to make sushi rice with dashi kombu, sushi vinegar, sugar, and salt. An easy-to-follow homemade sushi tutorial with lots of tips, tricks and photos to help you roll like a pro along with sushi roll and sauce recipes galore!
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