Sushi comes in all shapes and sizes, but there's no denying that the roll is one of the most popular forms.
You can make a roll with virtually any ingredient combination that you can think of.
A wide variety of sushi roll options are available to you, such as plastic type, feature, and sushi tools type.
Bahan Membuat Sushi Roll
- 2 cup beras (1,5 beras pulut : 0.5 beras biasa).
- 4 sdm cuka beras.
- 2 sdm gula pasir.
- 1 sdt garam.
- bahan pelengkap :.
- wortel parut (di tumis).
- selada.
- stik crab.
- telor dadar (di irris).
- 4 lembar nori.
Langkah Memasak Sushi Roll
- Masak nasi seperti bisa di rice cooker dengan takaran air seperti biasa..
- Campur : cuka, gula dan garam. Aduk sampai semuanya larut..
- Setelah nasi matang masukkan larutan cuka dan aduk hingga tercampur rata..
- Nori di panaskan / di panggang sebentar di atas teflon. Crab stik aku panggang bentar di atas teflon. Wortel aku tumis dan beri sedikit garam masak hingga matang..
- Ambil 1 lembar nori kemudian ambil nasi taburkan di atas nori dan beri pelengkap sesuai seler masing2 yah..
- Gulung dan padatkan. Pastikan gulungan padat kalo ngak ntar pas potong berhamburan. Harus banyak2 latihan. Punyaku masih kurang padat hehehe....
- Isian boleh kreasi sendiri yah... boleh juga di tambahkan udang goreng tempura pasti uenaakkk tp aku lg males yg ribet ribet... hehehe... boleh jg tambahkan alpukat loh.. punya ku lg blom mateng 😄 berhubung aku ngak suka timun jd aku ngak taruh. intinya terserah deh apa maunya.....
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- Boleh tambahkan mayones yang sebelumnya telah diberi skm dan air jeruk nipis. 😁.
A lot of people in the West mistakenly think of Japanese sushi as "raw fish". This is most certainly NOT the case! (The classic Japanese raw fish dish - which is thin slivers of various different fish - is commonly known as "sashimi". Not sushi!) sushi roll. a female version of a tea bag where she puts her vag and rolls it on the guy's face. You will enjoy our sushi - both traditional and twisted! Click here to order now! (takeout and delivery available at select locations). Наборы. sushi'n'roll lahjakortit - myös netistä! sushi'n'roll eira.
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