Pack and shape into a long rice roll (about the thickness of a pinky finger).
Chicken Schnitzel and Avocado Sushi Rolls.
Healthy Recipes: Light Meals, Sides and Entrees.
Bahan Membuat Chicken Finger Sushi Roll
- 100 gr nasi hangat.
- 3 pc chicken finger.
- 1 butir telur.
- sejumput garam.
- sejumput merica.
- 1 sdm saos sambal.
- 1 lembar nori kering.
Langkah Memasak Chicken Finger Sushi Roll
- Dadar telur bumbui dengan sejumput merica dan garam, sisihkan..
- Goreng chicken finger dalam minyak panas hingga matang, angkat. Sisihkan..
- Ambil nori lembaran, lalu tebarkan nasi hingga rata menutupi nori, sisakan 1cm untuk penutup..
- Tata lapisan sesuai urutan yah... Saos sambal, lalu telur dadar, terakhir chicken finger..
- Gulung sushi, mampatkan, tp jangan sampai nori sobek yah... Gulung sampai ujung lalu tekan2 sampai rekat sepenuhnya..
- Terakhir, potong sesuai keinginan, lalu tata di piring saji, dan sajikan. Selamat menikmati....
An inexpensive bamboo mat and sticky rice are the keys to making these chicken tempura rolls. Rolled with rice inside and seaweed wrapped outside. Sushi Sandwiches are the perfect snack/entree for a party as a sushi substitute for those who dislike actual sushi or just an interesting way to eat a sandwich Photo about Restaurant prepared sushi, beef and chicken finger food served with eschalotts and celery on a white dish. Sign up to discover your next favorite Do you eat sushi with your fingers or with chopsticks? All of the research I've done seems to indicate that However, when you order noodle soup and your companion orders chicken over rice, it IS funny to try.
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