California Roll Sushi Arguably the most notorious sushi roll of them all: The California Roll. This roll has been the "bread and butter" to most sushi bars. This roll is what most people start off with, if they have never tried.

Bahan Membuat California Roll Sushi

  1. Beras jepang.
  2. Cuka beras.
  3. Udang.
  4. Terigu.
  5. Garam.
  6. Tepung roti.
  7. Timun.
  8. Telur dadar.
  9. Nori.
  10. Mayonaise.
  11. Bubuk cabai.

Langkah Memasak California Roll Sushi

  1. Membuat ebi furai (udang di balur tepung terigu, masukkan di larutan tepung dg garam&lada), balur dengan tepung roti, goreng hingga keemasan.
  2. Masak beras dengan air (1:1). Setelah jadi pindah di mangkuk, tambahkan cuka beras, aduk rata, tutup dg lap basah agar nasi tidak kering, biarkan hingga nasi dingin.
  3. Ratakan nasi di atas nori lalu balik (nori di atas, nasi di bawah). Tata udang, timun, dan telur di atas nori lalu gulung. Potong menjadi 8 bagian, lalu hias atasnya dengan mayo, nori, dan bubuk cabai.

The line is blurred — is a California Roll actually real sushi? But you see, while an American considers California rolls to be sushi, it's different from the traditional Japanese types. The California roll is one of the most favored sushi rolls and has been credited with popularizing sushi in the United States. California rolls are usually made inside-out - rice on the outside, nori. A California roll is only one type of maki (or sushi roll).

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