Spicy Tuna Floss Roll Sushi Word from the author: "The Spicy Tuna roll is a classic. Spicy tuna is a common name for different rolls of sushi with two things in common: the use of tuna, and a spicy sauce. The tuna this roll is diced into small pieces, so the size of the initial block doesn't matter.

Bahan Membuat Spicy Tuna Floss Roll Sushi

  1. 600 gram Nasi panas pulen.
  2. 1/2 sdm Jeruk Nipis.
  3. 1/2 sdm Gula pasir.
  4. 1 sdt Garam.
  5. 2 Lembar Nori.
  6. Isian :.
  7. 2 slice Tuna Goreng di cincang.
  8. 3 sdm Saos pedas.
  9. 1 sdm Mayonaise.
  10. Timun potong memanjang.
  11. Telur Dadar gulung belah memanjang.
  12. Pelengkap : (optional).
  13. Wasabi.
  14. Soy sauce / kecap asin.
  15. Mayonaise.

Langkah Memasak Spicy Tuna Floss Roll Sushi

  1. Campur nasi selagi panas dengan garam, gula dan air jeruk lemon. Lalu aduk hingga rata. Biarkan uap panasnya hilang. Sisihkan.
  2. Campur tuna cincang dengan saos tomat, saos sambal dan mayonaise. Aduk rata. Sisihkan..
  3. Siapkan plastik sbg alas dan juga buat menggulung. Ambil 1 lembar nori. Letakkan bagian yg kasar menghadap ke atas, menempel dg nasi. Ambil nasi ratakan penuh di atas nori sambil ditekan tekan sedikit. Kemudian balik posisi nasi dibawah dan nori di atas..
  4. Tata isian di atasnya, lalu gulung dan padatkan. Kemudian potong jadi 8. Sebelum memotong, pisau dibasahi dengan air agar tidak lengket..
  5. Kemudian gulingkan di abon sapi sampai rata. Tata dan sajikan dengan pelengkap..
  6. Selamat mencoba -Dewo's Kitchen- jgn lupa mampir ke channel youtube aku dewo saputro yaa mom ------> Subscribe ya... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa5bcMN3z1uJZUH70_IT7ew.

If you are new to sushi rolling, this spicy tuna roll is a good one to start as you only. Spicy tuna rolls are a ubiquitous item on sushi menus but you can make them yourself. It has a mild spiciness, similar to chipotle chili peppers, and adds a nice extra kick without being overwhelmingly spicy. Ichimi togarashi is not only ideal for seasoning spicy tuna rolls but is also delicious sprinkled. The spicy tuna roll is a one of the more popular items on the sushi menu and is easily made at home with this easy recipe.

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