Its loaded with crispy fried shrimp tempura and tons of delicious fillings.
The spicy shrimp roll is another contemporary, American recipe that is great for those who are a bit skeptical to try sushi for the first time.
This lightly spicy roll consists of only shrimp, but it's full of flavor.
Bahan Membuat Shrimp roll sushi
- 4 ekor udang.
- 1 piring nasi (nasi biasa ato jepang).
- Nori.
- Saos tempura.
- Abon.
- secukupnya Kecap asin, minyak wijen, gula pasir.
Langkah Memasak Shrimp roll sushi
- Campur nasi panas dgn minyak wijen, kecap asin, gula pasir. Aduk rata..
- Goreng udang dengan tepung tempura ato panir. Bebas aja..
- Siapkan lembaran nori, beri nasi, ditekan2 dengan sendok sampe nempel dan rata. Lalu balik nori (nasi yg di bawah). Letakkan udang goreng, lalu gulung. Potong2 jadi brp bagian. Beri saos tempura di atas sushi dan taburi abon manis. Siap dihidangkan dengan tambahan saos tempura yg diencerkan utk cocolan. Lezaaatos....laris manitos.😘.
Serve sushi with the typical accompaniments of wasabi. Although shrimp sushi rolls are one of my favorites, the astronomical bill at the end of a wonderful meal can be a buzz killer. To avoid such unpleasant surprises, I decided to make my own shrimp. With Wasabi, Soy Sauce, and Sriracha. Learn how easy it is to make restaurant-quality sushi rolls right at home, with our simple and delicious Shrimp Maki.
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