This is a roll that is made either with the rice on the inside or.
How to Make Rainbow Sushi Roll - Video Recipe full recipe: http In this video recipe Chef Devaux shows how to cook a Rainbow Sushi roll from start to finish, he starts by showing how to cook some.
Place your thumbs over the side of the bamboo mat closest to you, and your fingers on the toppings to keep them in place.
Bahan Membuat Rainbow roll sushi
- 2 sliced salmon.
- 2 sliced tuna.
- 2 sliced udang.
- 1 buah avocado matang agak keras,potong tipis seukuran ikan.
- 2 lembar nori.
- 1 sdm wijen sangrai.
- 1 buah kyuri, potong memanjang.
- 1 sdt kecap asin jepang, untuk cocolan.
- 3 sdm mayonaise.
- 3 sdt tobiko.
- 300 gram nasi shirataki.
Langkah Memasak Rainbow roll sushi
- Lapisi sushi mat dengan plastik lalu tata potongan salmon, tuna, udang, avocado ke samping berjajar.Beri sedikit jarak.Beri 150 gram nasi shirataki diatasnya, ratakan.Lapisi dengan selembar nori lalu tata potongan kyuri, taburi dengan wijen sangrai.Gulung sushi mat sambil dipadatkan hingga berbentuk roll..
- Lepaskan matnya.Lalu potong sesuai warnanya.Hiasi atasnya dengan mayonaise dan taburi dengan tobiko.Hidangkan dengan kecap asin jepang dan wasabi.
- Happy Cooking.
Set of tempura sushi rolls isolated at white. These are Rainbow Sushi Rolls, ladies and gents. We've got rainbow-colored rice all rolled up in these babies. Rainbow sushi roll is a treat for the eyes and the tastebuds. Read this article to find the best recipe using both raw fish and vegan ingredients.
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