Bring the rice, water, and vinegar to a boil in a saucepan over high heat.
Spicy Tuna Roll is one of those sushi staples in Japanese Resturants across the US, along with California Rolls, Dragon Rolls, and Rainbow Rolls as opposed to traditional Japanese sushi rolls, like Futomaki and Hosomaki.
This recipe tastes very similar to the spicy tuna rolls found in Japanese restaurants, but the best part is that you use canned tuna rather than raw tuna.
Bahan Membuat Spicy Tuna Roll Sushi
- 1,5 cup beras (saya pakai merk botan, jenis calrose).
- 2 cup air.
- 🌸 isian:.
- 1 kaleng tuna.
- 2 sdm mayonnaise.
- secukupnya sriracha (saus sambal).
- 🌸 lainnya:.
- secukupnya nori.
- secukupnya biji wijen.
- secukupnya minyak wijen.
- secukupnya kecap asin.
Langkah Memasak Spicy Tuna Roll Sushi
- Masak nasi sampai matang, campurkan dengan 2 sdm minyak wijen (saya ga punya rice vinegar), aduk rata..
- Campur semua bahan isian, sisihkan. Ratakan nasi diatas nori, tekan2, beri taburan biji wijen lalu balik. Susun tuna dan gulung (saya alasi dengan plastic wrap).
- Potong dengan pisau tajam, lalu sajikan dengan kecap asin 😄.
How To Make Spicy Tuna Roll. Rolling maki (sushi rolls) for the first time can be a bit of a challenge. Too loose, and the rolls are sloppy and won't stick together. Too tight, and the fillings get squeezed out of the ends, or your delicate sheets of nori rip apart. Spicy tuna rolls are some of the most popular types of sushi served at Japanese restaurants.
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