Learn how to make this delicious spice salmon sushi roll at home with my step-by-step video tutorial on how to Start with this delicious spicy salmon sushi roll recipe with avocado, cucumber and tobiko!
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Bahan Membuat Crispy Sushi Roll
- 500 ml beras hideaki.
- 6 Lembar Nori (Rumput Laut).
- 2 Buah Timun.
- 2 Buah Apel.
- 9 Buah Crab Stick.
- Tempura Flakes.
- Wijen.
- Rice Vinegar.
- Sushi Roll.
- Bubuk Cabai.
- Marinasi Ayam Bakar.
- 1/2 Dada Ayam.
- 1 Bungkus Saus Teriyaki/Lada Hitam.
- 1 Sendok Teh Garam.
- 1 Sendok Teh Gula.
- 1/2 Sendok Teh Lada Putih.
- 2 Sendok Makan Minyak Goreng.
Langkah Memasak Crispy Sushi Roll
- Potong Dada Ayam. 1/2 Dada Ayam bisa dapat 6 potong (butterfly). Campurkan semua bumbu marinasi. Simpan didalam kulkas selama 15menit. Disini Saya marinasi semalaman. (Search di Cookpad > AYAM BAKAR MARINASI) By: DAPUR ABUEBE..
- Cuci beras. Tambahkan Air dengan perbandingan 1:1..
- Tuang 4 sendok makan rice vinegar. Tambahkan 1/2 sendok teh garam. 1/2 sendok teh gula. Aduk hingga benar benar rata..
- Jika Nasi Sushi nya sudah matang. Campurkan racikan rice vinegar tadi. Tanak nasi nya. Sisihkan dan ditutup..
- Potong crab stick, timun, apel dan ayam bakar, jangan lupa tempura flakes nya (resep ada di Dapur Abuebe, search di COOKPAD > Crunchy Tempura Flakes for Sushi (Kremesan untuk Sushi) atau cari di bawahnya ini..
- Mulai gulung sushi nya.
- Terus buat, hingga nasi habis..
Rolling sushi is kind of like riding a bike: once you have the sushi roll recipes and a few basic techniques down- you will never forget. A wide variety of seaweed sushi roll options are available to you, such as certification. The volcano roll sushi is a very unique type of Japanese and very spicy. So, if you are looking forward to making Make the outer coating of your sushi comes out crispy by first making a tempura batter. This is our special new Hotel California Roll!
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