In the episode i made a simple sushi so you can try it at your own home too.
But holy yum, these simple rolls have totally satisfied our sushi cravings during these weeks of As I mentioned above, the steps for how to make sushi are actually quite simple — they just take some.
A simple five-step process is all it takes.
Bahan Membuat Simple Sushi Roll
- 5 lembar nori Manjun.
- 2 cup beras Jepang.
- 1/2 buah timun Jepang / Sukini.
- 4 buah crab stick.
- 1 butir Telur.
- Secukupnya cuka beras.
- Secukupnya gula.
- Secukupnya garam.
- Secukupnya Lada.
Langkah Memasak Simple Sushi Roll
- Kocok telur+Lada+Garam, buat dadar telur tipis-tipis, lalu potong-potong memanjang.
- Rebus crab stick, potong memanjang.
- Potong timun Jepang/Sukini memanjang.
- Nanak beras jepang seperti biasa, setelah matang campur dan adul dengan garam, gula dan cuka beras sambil dikipasin.
- Siapkan nori diatas makisu/roller, bagian yg mengkilap di bawah.
- Ratakan nasi dipermukaan nori, tata isian memanjang (crab stick, telur dadar, timun jepang/ sukini).
- Gulung dengan makisu/roller, iris-iris sekitar 0.7cm.
- Sajikan dengan cocolan kecap asin/mayonaise.
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