How to make spicy tuna rolls.
Word from the author: "The Spicy Tuna roll is a classic.
Spicy tuna is a common name for different rolls of sushi with two things in common: the use of tuna, and a spicy.
Bahan Membuat Tuna Sushi Roll
- 1 atau 1/2 ons daging tuna.
- 1 biji Telur.
- 2 lembar Nori.
- 1 biji Timun.
- Minyak wijen.
- Soyu.
- Gula.
- Garam.
- 3 siung Bawang putih.
Langkah Memasak Tuna Sushi Roll
- Giling atau cincang daging tuna terlebih dahulu, tumis bawang putih yang sudah di cincang sampai harum kemudian masuk an daging tuna tambah kan gula garam sesuai selera. Tumis sampai matang.
- Dadar telur dengan tipis lalu di gulung sampai 2 gulungan atau sesuai selerap.
- Siapkan nasi putih kemudian aduk merata dengan minyak wijen 1 sendok makan.
- Siapkan nori kemudian tata nasi + tuna + telur dan mentimun yang sudah di iris memanjang setelah rapi di roll.
- Setelah di rol potong sushi dengan ukuran sesuai selera dan sushi siap di sajikan... 😍.
You don't need to use raw fish for sushi; in this recipe, the tuna is seasoned and quickly seared, before being rolled up with. Grabbing both nori and the mat, roll the mat over the filling so the extra space at the bottom touches the other side, squeezing down to. The Tuna Roll that I am going to show you is made with one of the more traditional styles of sushi, known as the hosomaki style (skinny roll). It is considered to be one of the more difficult styles. Tuna Sushi Roll is a type of Sushi made from shari (cooked rice with vinegar) and raw tuna.
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