Here are the fundamentals for making sushi rolls!
Be sure to get a handle on these Learning how to roll sushi is an art.
As with any art form, it takes time and lots of practice.
Bahan Membuat Simply Sushi Roll
- 1 butir telur.
- 1 centong nasi.
- 2 sdt cuka.
- 1/2 sdt gula.
- secukupnya garam, cabe bubuk, merica bubuk.
- 1 buah sosis.
- 2 buah nugget stick.
- secukupnya saos tomat/sambel.
- secukupnya mayones.
Langkah Memasak Simply Sushi Roll
- Larutkan gula dengan air cuka. Masukkan nasi, aduk rata. Sisihkan..
- Kocok lepas telur, bumbui dg garam, merica dan cabe bubuk. Dadar tipis..
- Goreng sosis dan nugget hingga matang. Tiriskan minyaknya..
- Susun diatas sushi mat: telur dadar, saos, nasi (sisakan kira2 1/5 bagian telur kosong), sosis dan nugget. Gulung dan tekan hingga padat. Potong dengan pisau basah. Sajikan dengan cocolan saos + mayo..
If you already have a bottle of rice vinegar or have white vinegar on hand, simply season with salt and vinegar to taste. *Discover the pleasure of creating fresh sushi rolls at home with "Simply Sushi". *Making your own sushi is so much easier than you think, and Fiona Smith's no-fuss approach makes it fun, too. Sushi comes in all shapes and sizes, but there's no denying that the roll is one of the most popular forms. You can make a roll with virtually any ingredient combination that you can think of. After that's done, remove the roll from the mat… And place it on the cutting You can buy regular sesame seeds already toasted in some stores, or you can simply toast them. See more ideas about Sushi, Sushi love and Sushi art.
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