The Krabby Patty is a dish served at the Krusty Krab, very similar to a Hamburger,because it is another name for, sea hamburgers.
Ingredients include Lettuce, Cheese, Tomatoes, Tartar sauce, mayo, flour, tumeric, sea salt, land salt, barnacle shavings, Patty, mustard, ketchup, secret sauce. all-beef hamburger patties (I'd do veggie burgers, of course, but that's coming from a veg*n).
Grill the patties until they are almost cooked through.
Bahan Membuat Krabby Patty (Beef Burger)
- 230 gram daging sapi giling.
- 3 sendok makan tepung roti.
- Secukupnya oregano.
- 1 siung bawang putih cincang halus.
- 1/4 butir bawang bombay cincang.
- 1/2 sendok teh gula pasir.
- 1 sendok makan margarin.
- Bahan saus.
- 1 sendok makan saus sambal.
- 1 sendok makan saus tomat.
- 1/4 sendok teh gula pasir.
- 4 sendok makan mayonaise.
- secukupnya Garam.
- Bahan pelengkap.
- 3 buah roti burger.
- Daun selada.
- slice Keju.
- Irisan tomat.
- Bawang bombay.
- Saus burger.
- Saus tomat.
Langkah Memasak Krabby Patty (Beef Burger)
- Campur rata daging sapi, tepung roti, oregano, bawang putih, bawang bombay, gula pasir, dan garam. bagi menjadi 3 bagian adonan, bentuk bulat pipih..
- Panaskan teflon, beri margarin.... panggang kedua Sisi patty sampai matang..
- Sekarang kita siapkan sausnya : campur semua bahan saus, sisihkan, lalu panggang bawang bombay sampai matang..
- Siapkan roti burger, belah dua masing-masing roti, Tata daun selada, beef patty, keju Slice, irisan tomat, serta bawang bombay panggang, beri saus burger dan saus tomat, tutup bagian atas roti. Selesai deh... lalu sajikan 👌👍..
The Krabby Patty is a thing of pop culture culinary legend - a burger, forged from a secret formula, worshipped by a sociopathically upbeat sponge. bought frozen beef patty with salt pepper and MSG Now some people are saying that it's a crab burger. Yes, Add Butter to Your Beef for Better Burgers. Instead of incorporating the salt into the burger patties, which can draw out moisture and make the patties dry, season the outside of the patties before grilling. A little while back, one of our viewers requested that I recreate the famous Krabby Patty Burger from Sponge Bob. Anyway, even although this recipe doesn't exist, I Remove the patties from the oil and serve each patty on a large lettuce lined bun, topped with the seafood cream cheese and caper sauce.
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