The Krabby Double Deluxe, also sometimes known as the Deluxe Krabby Patty.
Make the Burger Patties: Heat a grill pan or sauté pan over medium heat.
As it heats, combine ground beef, Old Bay, pepper and salt.
Bahan Membuat Krabby Patty Homemade
- 2 buah roti (roti bulat untuk burger).
- 2 buah daging asap.
- 2 lembar keju.
- 2 lembar daun selada.
- 1 buah tomat.
- 1 buah mentimun.
- Secukupnya saus cabai.
- Secukupnya saus tomat.
- Secukupnya mayonaise.
- Secukupnya mentega (untuk memanggang daging asap dan roti).
Langkah Memasak Krabby Patty Homemade
- Panaskan mentega pada teflon, masukkan roti, panggang roti hingga sedikit menguning, kemudian angkat..
- Masukan daging asap ke dalam teflon, panggang hingga matang..
- Cuci bersih daun selada, tomat, dan mentimun. Iris tipis tomat dan mentimun..
- Siapkan roti yang sudah dipanggang di atas piring, susun semua bahan (daging asap, daun selada, irisan tomat, irisan timun, keju, saur cabai, saus tomat, mayonaise) sesuai dengan selera..
- Krabby Patty sudah siap disantap..
Krabby Patty Secret Formula - Revealed! So today, I will be doing a theory dedicated to our favourite aquatic character from our A Krabby Patty is a popular burger served at the Krusty Krab. "Krabby" Patty Recipe: Don't tell Plankton, but as any astute watcher of Spongebob Squarepants knows, Krabby Patties aren't actually made with crab. Or even "krab." They're made out of chum. Krabby Patty is a recreation of the main font used throughout the SpongeBob SquarePants franchise. Download free krabby patty font, view its character map and generate text-based images or logos Use the text generator tool below to preview Krabby Patty font, and create awesome text-based.
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