Add the cheese on top and cook until melted.
Spread the mustard and ketchup on the buns.
Put a patty on top of each.
Bahan Membuat Donat Krabby patties
- 1 ons terigu.
- 2 sdm gula.
- 1 sdm susu bubuk.
- 1/2 sdt fermipan.
- Sedikit garam.
- 70 ml air.
- 1 sdt margarin.
- Sepucuk sdt ovalet.
- Bahan isian.
- 50 g dada ayam potong2,goreng.
- 2 lembar selada potong2 sesuai selera.
- 5 lembar bayam,rebus sebentar.
- 1 buah tomat,iris bulat pipih jadi 5 pcs.
- Saos tomat.
- Mayonise.
- Saus cabai.
- 1/2 buah Bawang bombay,iris tumis.
- secukupnya Keju ceddar.
Langkah Memasak Donat Krabby patties
- Campur bahan dough dan aduk hingga rata dan kalis,proofing selama 45 mnt.
- Ambil adonan,kempiskan dan bagi menjadi 5,bentuk donat bulat pipih,proofing kembali selama 45mnt,hingga mengembang,ambil adonan donat gpreng dengan api sedang,hingga adonan habis.
- Ambil donat,belah jadi 2 jangan putus,oles sedikit margarin dan saos tomat,tata selada,bayam,ayam,tomat,bawang bombay,keju,saos sambal dan mayonise,tutupkan dan donat burger siap di sajikan.
The Krabby Patty is a dish served at the Krusty Krab, very similar to a Hamburger,because it is another name for, sea hamburgers. Ingredients include Lettuce, Cheese, Tomatoes, Tartar sauce, mayo, flour, tumeric, sea salt, land salt, barnacle shavings, Patty, mustard, ketchup, secret sauce. There is also another theory that krabby patties are vegetarian burgers, but judging by the patty's look, it doesn't seem to be chopped up onions. A pinkish flesh colour that looks like somebody's guts went. Krabby Patty is a recreation of the main font used throughout the SpongeBob SquarePants franchise.
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