The Krabby Patty is a thing of pop culture culinary legend - a burger, forged from a secret formula, worshipped by a sociopathically upbeat sponge.
How do we go about recreating that which is not reacreate-able?
A bit of science, a bit of whimsy, and a whole lot of wanton conjecture.
Bahan Membuat Burger (Krabby Patty)๐
- 1 roti gurih (beli jadi).
- Patty:.
- 1/4 kg ayam fillet.
- Sejumput lada hitam.
- Tepung sajiku serbaguna (spicy).
- Pelengkap:.
- Mentimun.
- Daun selada.
- Tomat.
- slice Keju.
- Saus:.
- Saus cabe.
- Mayonaise putih.
- Mayonaise pedas.
Langkah Memasak Burger (Krabby Patty)๐
- Potong-potong roti menjadi 2 bagian seperti di gambar..
- Panggang roti menggunakan mentega..
- Cuci bersih ayam, goreng crispy menggunakan tepung sajiku serbaguna. Balut dengan adonan kering-basah-kering lalu goreng sampai keemasan..
- Potong slice tomat dan mentimun..
- Sajikan dengan urutan: roti sisi bawah oles mayonaise putih cmapur saus cabe - ayam crispy - keju slice - daun selada - tomat - mentimun - saus dan mayonaise sesuai selera - roti sisi atas..
- Happy eat foodies๐ฉโ๐ณ.
Krabby Patties Recipe - Genius Kitchen. KRABBY PATTY PIZZA (SpongeBob SquarePants): Man, I really love putting SpongeBob stuff on this board, don't I? Anyways, The Krabby Patty Pizza is a pizza made out of Krabby Patties. A little while back, one of our viewers requested that I recreate the famous Krabby Patty Burger from Sponge Bob. Anyway, even although this recipe This is where the coated patties will set, and the crumbs prevent the coating from sticking to the platter and getting damaged.
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