Today I show you how to make a Krabby Patty in real life.
SpongeBob can't keep living off of his friends.
It's time he starts making his own money!
Bahan Membuat Krabby Patty mini
- 1 bks eggdrops.
- 1 bks oreo mini.
- Coklat leleh warna warni secukup nya.
- Buah kering / sukade secukupnya.
- Wijen sangrai utk hiasan atas.
- Sedikit air gula kental (utk menempelkan wijen).
Langkah Memasak Krabby Patty mini
- Pisahkan oreo mini. Masukkan coklat leleh warna warni masing" ke plastik segitiga (plastik kecil biasa jg boleh), gunting sedikit ujung plastiknya..
- Ambil 1 eggdrops, semprotkan coklat leleh putih secukupnya ke atas eggdrop, letakkan 1 oreo mini di atas coklat putih, semprotkan lg coklat leleh putih sedikit, susun buah kering/sukade di atasnya, semprotkan lg coklat warna warni utk memberi kesan sayuran dll, kemudian tutup dengan 1 eggdrop di atas nya.
- Oles eggdrop yg di lapisan atas dgn sedikit air gula, kemudian celupkan/tabur wijen yg sudah disangrai.
- Tunggu sampai coklat dingin/keras, susun di toples. Jadi deh krabby patty nya 😋😋.
Ingredients include Lettuce, Cheese, Tomatoes, Tartar sauce, mayo, flour, tumeric, sea salt, land salt, barnacle shavings, Patty, mustard, ketchup, secret sauce. Krabby Patty is a recreation of the main font used throughout the SpongeBob SquarePants franchise. This font does not scale very. Download free krabby patty font, view its character map and generate text-based images or logos Use the text generator tool below to preview Krabby Patty font, and create awesome text-based. Mini SpongeBob from the author WINItune brings you a short story.
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