This Homemade Cappuccino Mix Recipe is delicious and easy to make.
Be your own barista by perfecting this recipe for Homemade cappuccino - no expensive espresso machine required!
Make Your Own Cappuccino French Vanilla Coffee Mix - The Make Your Own Zone.
Bahan Membuat Cappuccino homemade
- 2 sdm nescafe hitam.
- 2 sdm gula pasir.
- 2 sdm air panas.
- 1 gelas susu.
Langkah Memasak Cappuccino homemade
- Campur nescafe, gula,air panas pake whisk atau pake sendok juga bisa selama -+ 10 menit.(Aku pake mixer biar cepet) 😁.
- Lakukan sampe semua bahan bener2 krimi.
- Panaskan susu kedalam panci kecil sampai mendidih.
- Masukkan krimi ke dalam gelas setelah itu masukkan susu panas aduk sampai foam naik.bila kurang gula bisa di tambah..
- Note : untuk takaran bahan krimi bisa 2 gelas kopi cappuccino tinggal di tambah susu panas 1 gelas lagi.terimakasih selamat mencoba.
Graham Cracker Crust Made With Homemade Crust Mix, Basic Bread And Variations With Homemade Breadmaker Mix Learn how to make cappuccinos at home with this easy-to-follow guide! It's time you become your own barista by learning how to make a cappuccino with an espresso machine at home. Make it for yourself, or give it as a gift. Reviews for: Photos of Cappuccino Mix. Simple Homemade Cappuccino Mix: Caffeine is a wonderful substance.
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