Dalgona or Korean sponge candy is a fun Korean street food that will bring out the kid in you!! or at Dalgona is a Korean candy that was sold in every neighborhood street when my husband and I were.
Dalgona is a sponge toffee-like candy we grew up having from street vendors everywhere, especially around the schools.
The word dalgona came from the casual Korean word "dalguna (달구나).
Bahan Membuat Dalgona capuchino
- 3 sdt kopi instan.
- 3 sdt coklat powder.
- 3 sdt air.
- 5 sdt gula pasir.
- 1 cup susu cair.
- Meses sprinkle.
Langkah Memasak Dalgona capuchino
- Mixer semua bahan kecuali susu,sampai kaku..
- Tuang Susu cair 3/4 gelas saja..
- Tuangkan adonan yg telah dimixer keatas susu..
- Tabur coklat powder dan meses sprinkle diatasnya..
The frothy, whipped coffee is made by vigorously mixing instant coffee.
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