A cappuccino is a popular coffee drink that's made by topping a shot of espresso with steamed milk and milk foam.
If you didn't pull the espresso directly into your cup, pour the espresso you made (in the moka pot or aeropress) into your serving cup.
Try to warm your cup before you add the espresso and milk.
Bahan Membuat Cappuccino
- 2 sdt vanila syrup (sirup apa saja boleh).
- 1/2 Cup milk (whole, or non dairy milk).
- 1-2 shot espresso atau bisa pk 2 sdt coffee instant.
- Powdered coconut palm sugar.
Langkah Memasak Cappuccino
- Queue 1 -2 shot espresso, tergantung mau strong atau tidak. PD step ini yg pk kopi instant hitam boleh diseduh kopinya dngn sdkt air.
- Masukan syrup ke cangkir, lalu tambah shot yg td, atau kopi instant yg td sudah dibuat.
- Steam susu nya sampai punya froth atau berbusa Kalau tidak ada susu steamer bisa masukan susu ke microwave atau rebus susunya di kompor. Lalu di wisk pk tangan hingga menghasilkan busa yg diinginkan..
- Lalu dituang kedlm cangkir dan taburi gula palm atau drizzle fav kalian.
Cream may be used instead of milk. It is typically smaller in volume than a latte, and has a thicker layer of microfoam. Espresso is typically made with a dark roasted coffee and ground finely. At the height of a barista's craft lies the cappuccino. Dark, rich espresso lies in wait under a smoothed and stretched layer of thick foam.
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