This Homemade Cappuccino Mix Recipe is delicious and easy to make.
The mild coffee flavor makes it perfect for the coffee drinkers or non-coffee drinkers alike.
Be your own barista by perfecting this recipe for Homemade cappuccino - no expensive espresso machine required!
Bahan Membuat Cappuccino Home Made
- 1 sdt Nescafe classic.
- 5 sdt gula putih.
- 1 sdt air biasa.
- Secukupnya air mendidih.
Langkah Memasak Cappuccino Home Made
- Campurkan coffee dgn gula aduk2 agak lama hingga tercampur rata. Kl suka lebih manis bisa tambahkan gula yg lebih banyak..
- Beri satu sendok teh air biasa kocok2 hingga warna menjadi terang seperti ini. (Kl suka banyak busa bisa kocok trs hingga warnanya lebih terang lg dr yg saya foto) Kemudian tuang air mendidih pd coffee. Coffee siap di sajikan. Nikmat sekali... silahkan di coba....
Learn how to make cappuccinos at home with this easy-to-follow guide! It's time you become your own barista by learning how to make a cappuccino with an espresso. Simple Homemade Cappuccino Mix: Caffeine is a wonderful substance. At the beginning of a hard day's work, there is nothing better to charge up your body and mind. Make Your Own Cappuccino French Vanilla Coffee Mix. beverages, mixes.
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