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Cappuccino cupcakes with a cappuccino meringue topping.
How to bake cappuccino cupcakes with a cheesecake topping and dusting of cocoa.
Bahan Membuat Cake cappuccino
- 4 butir telur.
- 225 tepung terigu.
- 180 gr gula pasir.
- 20 gr t.maizena.
- 1 saset good day nappuccino ditambah air jadi 100ml.
- 1 sdt sp,garam secukupnya.
- 100 gr margarine di cairkan.
Langkah Memasak Cake cappuccino
- Mix all in ane semua bahan kecuali margarine sampai putih berjejak..
- Matikan mixer ambil 2sdm adonan untuk motif diatas..
- Masukan margarin aduk balik dng spatula sampai rata..
- Masukan k loyang yg sudah diolesi dng carlo.
- Ambil adonan yg 2 sendok tadi beri pasta coklat tuangkan diatas adonan untuk motifnya..
- Bakar pada suhu 170c,40 menit api bawah pindah 5 menit api atas.
Learn how to make Cappuccino Bundt Cake. Try our super easy coffee slab cake, this recipe is nut-free and comes with a creamy cappuccino buttercream. This Cappuccino Icebox Cake Recipe from is the best. By The Good Housekeeping Test Kitchen. This Easy Italian Cappuccino Cake is a simple cake recipe made with coffee and chocolate chips.
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