I've made plenty of mistakes so you don't have to.
Welcome to the BEST ever homemade southern biscuit recipe.
These homemade biscuits are light, flaky and absolutely delicious!
Bahan Membuat Biskuit Better Homemade
- Biskuit marie.
- Secukupnya coklat.
- Secukupnya white coklat.
- Bahan cream vanila.
- 2 sdm butter putih.
- 6 sdm gula halus.
- 1 sdt perisa vanila.
- Bahan cream strawbery.
- 2 sdm butter.
- 6 sdm gula halus.
- 1-2 tetes perisa strowberi.
- Kalo kurang merah bisa tambahin pewarna makanan merah yaa.
Langkah Memasak Biskuit Better Homemade
- Siapin bahan. Dan buat adonan cream, di mixer sampai semua tercampur.. Sama ya langkahnya gampang kok. Dan bahan ini rasanya kayak krim nya oreo, ciyuusss... Abis itu masukan ke plastik segitiga.
- Isi biskuit dengan cream.
- Semuanya di isiin, sampe yang remahan2 pun aku gabung2in😂. Abis itu simpen di kulkas dulu sambil lelehin coklat nya.
- Masukan biskuit ke coklat/white coklat. Kalo aku yg isi vanila aku kasih cream coklat, yg isi strawbery pake cream whitr coklat. Tapi boleh aja di mix terserah kamu cantiikk😘.
- Simpen lagi di kulkas biar lebih beku lebih enak. Gampang kan?? Tips: Sayangnya coklat putih tinggal dikit trus aku tambahin air malah encer..dont do that yaa😂 di lelehin gk usah di tambah apa2😚. Selamat mencoba dan menikmati.
Moist, tender, fluffy, and crisp on the edges. Here is the recipe if you are interested in trying it! Homemade Dry Baking Mix (DIY Bisquick) is less expensive and better for you than the store bought kind! Get the recipe on itsyummi.com - Use it for homemade biscuits. Light, flaky, golden-brown biscuits make the perfect side dish for American-style Best of all, since they have few ingredients and simple cooking procedures, they're easy to whip..
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