Pan fried salmon with tender asparagus and courgette served on a bed of.
This healthy and simple Salmon with Tomato Basil Relish recipe was a hit all around tonight at the family dinner table.
I do like Cook's, however their recipes are a bit fussy for me, so here you will find my take -a simple version of one of their magnificent salmon recipes.
Bahan Membuat Salmon steak with tomato&olive
- Ikan salmon yg udah di beri perasan lemon.
- 20-25 tomat ceri di potong jadi dua.
- 10 olive d potong Kecil.
- 10 kacang edamame yg udh d rebus.
- 1 sendok Vinegar (balsamic).
- 1/2 sendok basil kering(8 lembar daun basil yg fresh).
- 3 tetes Olive oil.
- sedikit Garam.
- Lada hitam secukup nya.
- Sedikit selada untuk hiasan.
Langkah Memasak Salmon steak with tomato&olive
- Campur kan tomat,vinegar dan basil,tambah kan garam dan pepper aduk hingga rata.Diam kan sebentar.
- Panas kan wajan lalu masukin olive oil lalu panggang salmon mulai dari bagian daging nya dlu 3 menit lalu stelah itu bagian kulit 5 menit.Agar dapat tekstur yang bagus jangan di bolak balik..
- Setelah matang angkat dan sisih kan..
- Lanjut ke masukin tomat yg sudah d kasih bumbu tadi,lalu masak kira2 1 menit dan tambah kan kacang edamame,aduk rata lalu angkat..
- Setelah selesai salmon dan tomato siap d sajikan.Jangan lupa d plating dlu ya Biar cantik hhehehe..
Cilantro Salmon Tomato Soup is a quick affordable seafood soup made with fresh or canned tomatoes, any type of fish or salmon, optional potatoes, a bunch of fresh cilantro and a few limes. Grape tomatoes sautéed with capers, shallot and cumin form a bright, chunky sauce for seared salmon. To make it, Ted Allen, TV personality and host of Food Network's Chopped, sautéed sweet grape tomatoes with capers, shallot, and cumin, then spooned the bright, chunky sauce over crisp. Salmon steak. - download this royalty free Stock Photo in seconds. Choose from a wide range of similar scenes.
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