The key to good salmon is not overthinking it.
Today, all we're doing is rubbing the fillets with a little oil and sprinkling them with salt and pepper before popping them in the.
Pan-fried salmon steak is a delicacy when seasoned with sage and fried in butter.
Bahan Membuat Salmon steak simple
- 2 slice salmon (saya suka yg tebel).
- Bahan marinasi:.
- Secukupnya saus teriyaki.
- Secukupnya kecap asin.
- Secukupnya gula merah.
- 1/2 buah jeruk purut /lemon.
- Bahan saus :.
- Secukupnya olive oil.
- 3 siung bawang putih haluskan.
- Secukupnya garam.
Langkah Memasak Salmon steak simple
- Bersihkan salmon, rendam dlm bahan marinasi (saya lebi suka dlm plastik krn lebih butuh sedikit bahan dan lebih kerendem) selama min 30 menit (saya seharian).
- Siapkan wajan tebal (jangan tipis gampang gosong), beri olive oil, panggang salmon posisi kulit dibawah, kecilkan api, beri tutup, biarkan sampai matang.
- Untuk sausnya, siapkan wajan, beri olive oil secukupnya, goreng singkat bawang putih dan garam yg sdh dihaluskan, segera angkat.
- Siram saus diatas salmon yg sdh matang.
- Selamat menikmati.
How long does it take salmon to cook on the grill? Here's an easy way to grill salmon without the fish sticking to the grates. Easy Honey Garlic Salmon is a throw together recipe in one pan and a handful of ingredients! Salmon steak icon in simple style isolated vector illustration. Salmon steaks - I love the way salmon steaks look, but you can use salmon fillets if preferred.
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