Lihat juga resep Spaghetti aglio olio with salmon enak lainnya!
Salmon Aglio e olio is a classic italian pasta with garlic and oil sauce.
It is always a favorite star of our family, the cooking is easy, cheap and the ingredients is really simple.
Bahan Membuat Salmon Miso Steak with Spaghetti Aglio e Olio
- 200 gram Salmon.
- secukupnya Olive Oil untuk grill.
- Spaghetti.
- 1 porsi Spaghetti, rebus sisihkan.
- 3 Siung Bawang Putih.
- 3 Sdm Olive Oil.
- Secukupnya Kaldu Jamur.
- Secukupnya Bon Cabe.
- Secukupnya Blackpepper.
- Marinasi Salmon.
- 1 Sdt Light Miso.
- 1,5 Sdm Kecap Manis.
- 1 Sdt Palmsuiker.
- 1 Sdm Lemon Juice.
- 1 Sdt Biji Wijen Sangrai.
- 1,5 Sdm Madu.
- 1 Sdt Minyak Wijen.
Langkah Memasak Salmon Miso Steak with Spaghetti Aglio e Olio
- Marinasi salmon dengan bumbu marinasi selama kurang lebih 30 menit, letakkan di kulkas.
- Panaskan wajan hingga benar2 panas, masukkan olive oil secukupnya dan grill salmon masing masing sisi selama 3-4 menit hingga matang, sisihkan.
- Masak sisa saus marinasi dalam wajan hingga matang, tuang diatas salmon steak.
- Untuk spaghetti, panaskan wajan, tumis bawang putih hingga harum masukkan spaghetti aduk, beri kaldu jamur, bon cabe dan blackpepper, aduk. Boleh ditambah air bila terlalu kering, masak sebentar hingga matang, sisihkan.
- Plating salmon dan spaghetti di piring kemudian sajikan :).
Oh, and make sure you use good quality olive oil. "No two spaghetti aglio e olio recipes are alike, but this one is pretty true to the classic method. The key is slowly toasting the garlic slices to a perfect golden-brown in the olive oil. If it's too light, you don't get the full flavor and if it's too dark it gets bitter. Spaghetti Squash Aglio e Olio One of the most basic pasta dishes, Spaghetti Aglio e Olio (garlic and oil)— reinvented here into Spaghetti Squash Aglio e Olio — is an all-time favorite of mine. Using a few of the most simple ingredients, it sounds too basic to be good but it is certainly among one of the best.
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